Monday, March 13, 2017

The Hypocrisy of the Trump Voter

“Reluctant” Trump voters upset by Progressive vote-shaming are beyond paradoxical.

The zeitgeist of the Trump campaign is best summed up as “I don’t care how my actions make you feel – deal with it.” If one voted for Trump – no matter how reluctantly – that vote endorses the massive middle finger to America that was Trump’s campaign and is now the Trump presidency.

A New York Times article posits liberal outrage is fueling Trump approval. Before examining this idea, let’s review these inarguable (but not alternative) facts:
  • ·         Donald Trump ran a racist, sexist, xenophobic campaign
  • ·         Donald Trump’s most fervent supporters are white nationalists a.k.a. the alt-right a.k.a. Nazis
  • ·         Donald Trump’s theme song was “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” despite protestations from the Rolling Stones

Let’s review – if you voted for Trump, you voted for a racist, sexist, xenophobe whose most fervent support comes from modern Nazis; the campaign’s theme is distilled into five words: “Don’t like it? Too bad.”

But now you want to complain that Progressives are being mean because they’re pointing out the guy you voted for is a racist?

Here’s a hint – if you don’t want to be labeled as a racist/sexist/xenophobe/bigot – don’t do things that make people think you are!

Like voting for a racist, sexist, xenophobic bigot!

Obviously, not every Trump voter is a bigot and every Hillary voter is not a person of open-minded goodwill. But own what you did! Acknowledge the guy’s history of racism that started with housing discrimination in the 70’s.

The Times’ article laments how Americans feel as if they can’t talk to each other, how some men are upset because women won’t date them because they’re Trump supporters, and how if you live in certain communities being a Trump supporter is like being gay in the 50’s.

Hyperbole much?

Frankly – the idea of the meek Trump supporter is astonishing, I was sure it was easier finding the Yeti, but the Times found these folks. The crux of their complaint – Progressives aren’t being nice and driving them to embrace Trump more – is farcical.

One guy owned a MAGA hat. He said he was too scared to wear the hat in public. Really?! Then why’d you buy the hat!

I lived in New York most of my life. I’ve been a Red Sox fan most of my life. I wore a Red Sox hat in Yankee Stadium. Proudly. I knew what I was doing and didn’t care. That’s why you buy the hat!

Let’s assume, however, mean Progressives are driving sensitive Trump supporters into the arms of His Orangeness. Does this mean if Progressive are nice these sensitive Trump supporters will get off the Trump train and board the Progressive Express?

If all it takes is a Progressive saying, “I know you voted for a racist, sexist, xenophobic Russophile. But that’s ok – you didn’t mean it. Let’s hug it out”, for you to start calling Congress and opposing the Muslim Ban, Deportation Force, Dismantling of Climate Change Initiatives, Trumpcare and the dumping of coal mine pollution into rivers, then let me say to you as Robin Williams did to Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting:

It’s not your fault.

It’s not your fault.

Son, it’s not your fault.

*holds you while you cry and purge the guilt from your soul*

Better now?

Perhaps my tone puts these Trump supporters over the edge. Maybe that tepid Trumpite resents my sarcasm and condescension.

Here’s the problem: I don’t care.

Donald Trump is morally repugnant. His ideology is one of exclusion and is antithetical to what America is.

Banning Muslims from entering the country is wrong.

Kicking out immigrants who broke a single law because they are too poor to comply with the law is wrong.

Bragging about sexual assault is wrong.

Claiming that all men engage in “locker room talk” is offensive to men who have actually been in a locker room.

Writing a giant “N” on apartment applications to denote black applicants from white applicants is wrong.

Colluding with a foreign power most charitably described as an enemy of the American people is wrong.

Attacking the media because they happen to report what you actually say is wrong.

The bottom line is Trump voters endorsed all the above actions when voting for the man. Your moral conflict is not my problem.

When Booker T. Washington was invited to dinner at the White House by Theodore Roosevelt, it sparked outrage. Senator James Vardaman said the White House was “so saturated with the odor of nigger that the rats had taken refuge in the stable”, and Senator Benjamin Tillman added, “we shall have to kill a thousand niggers to get them back in their places.”

Today, they would be rightly consigned to the dustbin of antiquity and rightfully shamed. At that time people who disagreed with them shouldn’t call them bad names but instead try to win them over.

Referring to Mexicans as rapists and criminals, stating that Islam equates to terrorism, bragging about sexual assault, denying housing to people based on their skin color are all equivalent acts to the statements of Sens. Vardaman and Tillman.

Vardaman and Tillman spent their lives advocating white supremacy over African-Americans. In their day, their words and actions were considered brash and populist but not beyond the pale.

Today, their legacy is that of unabashed bigots.

Examine Trump’s words and actions. Today, his language is brash and populist, but apparently not beyond the pale.

So, wishy-washy Trump supporters, if you can’t understand why Progressives are virulently opposed to the man you voted for and the explanation above didn’t clarify it, there’s either no helping you or you’re just not interested in being helped.