Monday, February 20, 2017

Time For Democrats to Be Patriotic

Branding in American politics is everything – get branded as a liar, or crooked, or low energy, and these charges dog your campaign because the narrative takes on a life of its own. Donald Trump exploited his branding expertise to win the Presidency and in the process exposed a pervasive stereotype that delegitimizes the Democratic party: Only Republicans love America.

Let’s be honest Democrats, since soon after 9/11, every time we saw an American flag on a truck or a home the flag bearer wasn’t to be trusted – they stood against gay marriage, choice, were pro-war, and anti-Muslim.

During the Obama years, these flag bearers were primary conduits of the flagrantly racist birther lie. The American flag’s pairing with the modified Gadsden flag denoted angry, older white people unable to cope with the Head of State being a bi-racial man with the middle name of “Hussein.”

Democrats missed the opportunity to re-brand patriotism.

Republicans used the last 15 years to brand Democrats as people who apologize for America thanks to their abhorrence of the Constitution.

The Trump campaign and Presidency brings the Democrats’ inability to properly brand their patriotism into stark focus.

Here’s the difference: at Trump’s Mar-A-Lago estate, he flies an enormous American flag. The flag is so large the Town of Palm Beach warned him and eventually instituted daily code violations due to the flag being oversized. Trump’s response was telling the town to send him a bill. 

Democrats chortled at the billionaire’s brashness, but it established his patriotic bonafides.

Quick – name a Democrat wrapping themselves in the American flag?

You can’t.

However, losers see difficulty in opportunity – champions see opportunity in difficulty.

Here’s how that applies to Democrats – it’s time to wrap yourself in the flag and the Constitution. It’s time to articulate what REAL patriotism is.

Real patriotism is not claiming to love the Constitution while using it as a cudgel to deny people the right to vote, equal pay, and civil rights including marriage.

Real patriotism is not flying the American flag and telling people who want to come here to get out.

Real patriotism is not claiming to “support the troops” and excitedly sending them into conflict zones failing to serve the national interest.

Real patriotism isn’t whining about taxes being confiscatory while simultaneously complaining no one helps each other anymore.

Real patriotism has nothing to do with firearms.

What is real patriotism?

Real patriotism is flying the American flag along with the flag of your ethnic origin. E pluribus unum, bitches.

Real patriotism is fighting for equal rights as the Constitution clearly dictates not only in the Preamble but in the 14th Amendment.

Real patriotism is when you have a little more fortune than others, paying your fair share to help those who didn’t win life’s lottery.

Real patriotism is pushing for equality of opportunity for those in poverty and those marginalized by an unjust system.

Real patriotism is fighting for every citizen to have the right to vote – including ex-convicts who have paid their debt to society.

Real patriotism is exhausting every single peaceful way to avoid sending our military into danger and if they must be sent into danger, it’s something serving humanity.

Real patriotism is knowing your roots as an immigrant and throwing open the doors for those who are looking for the same path your ancestors took.

Have you heard Democrats speaking in these plain terms? Me neither. I don’t have all the answers, but I do know a robust debate on patriotism is needed. The Republican idea of American exceptionalism and exclusivity is antithetical to the American ideal. The framers were men of great intellect but great flaws.

The idea of Constitutional literalism espoused by Ted Cruz and Rand Paul means African-Americans are 3/5 of a person and only white men who own property are allowed to vote.

Doesn’t sound like America to me.

It’s time for Democrats to embrace patriotism. Fly American flags and talk about how this nation is great and will be greater as we move forward and embrace equality for all. Our houses and cars must be adorned with the flag. We must constantly talk about how this country, despite its current political climate, is the best hope for people seeking a better life. Furthermore, we must talk about the Constitution as a living document holding citizens and institutions accountable.

Democrats have done a lousy job being patriotic. Patriotism is not the virtue of the vicious as Oscar Wilde once wrote – instead it’s a love of something bigger than yourself – your country. Loving America and wanting to change America so future generations of Americans don’t struggle thanks to antiquated ideas are not mutually exclusive.

If it was the case that loving America meant keeping it as is, Lincoln never would have freed the slaves.

The Bill of Rights would not exist.

Women would not be allowed to vote.

The Civil Rights movement never would have commenced.

Love wouldn’t be love.

The difference between Republicans and Democrats regarding patriotism is simply this: Republicans long for an America of yesterday because, “those were the days.”

Democrats long for a more perfect union because being patriotic means loving something enough to point out its shortcomings and working diligently to correct them.

Now it’s time for Democrats to wrap themselves in the flag while doing it – for they are the real patriots.